BioScan SRT

Combining the disciplines of Acupuncture, Biofeedback, and Homeopathy

BioScan is a safe, painless, non-invasive technology which combines the disciplines of Acupuncture, Biofeedback and Homeopathy with Laser Light technology to help the body return to a balanced state and heal itself.  By using electrodes and an advanced frequency device (“focus”), it scans the body’s systems and functions for imbalances and stressors such as food sensitivities, environmental allergens, toxins, emotions, chemicals, meridian blockages, dental stress, etc. and then provides an accurate and objective report.  

BioScan can change the body’s stress response from negative to neutral so that symptoms are reduced or eliminated. The stressor may be anything that is biological, chemical, emotional, or physical in nature that can cause harm. This benefits every client whether it is used to address current health challenges or used as a preventative measure to maintain optimal wellness.

Not feeling yourself?
BioScan SRT takes out the guesswork! It is safe for all ages, non-invasive, and pain-free.  This innovative technology shows how your organs, glands, and bodily systems are functioning.

The detailed scan provides patients and practitioners with a report indicating:

  • The substance and groups identified
  • The level of severity for each item
  • Whether it is contributing to a chronic or acute condition


You may have come across the term ‘meridian lines’ within a number of natural therapies, probably best known through acupuncture. Meridian lines are invisible and cannot be felt or seen like other systems of the body. They carry energy or Qi through your whole body and are associated with the functioning of the body’s internal organs. Meridian points are situated along these meridian lines. When a person is in good (balanced) health allowing energy or Qi to flow freely, their meridian lines will be open and clear of blockages. When blockages occur in the meridian points, poor health develops. If the internal organs function abnormally, or abnormal external stimulation occurs (stress), the energy will stagnate in the meridians and cause illness. To improve the health condition, the blockage must be released and the flow of energy normalised. This is where BioScan SRT comes in.

Stress & Illness

All age groups are now being burdened with chronic illness, with a rapid increase in children and teens suffering. A large cause of this is the stresses of modern life, such as poor nutrition, bullying, emotional stress, substance abuse, alcohol, modern work load, family dynamics, infections, allergies, environmental toxins, electronics, etc. Everything is accessible 24/7, emails, TV, mobile phones, shopping… we do not rest like we used to. We are designed to rest when the sun goes down and work when sun comes up. 

No matter the cause, the instinctive stress response to unexpected events is known as ‘fight or flight’, a natural nervous system response which keeps us alive. Stress involves an imbalance between what is demanded of us and what we are able to cope with or respond to.

Stress varies based on the individual and situation. Most stress is temporary, although there are situations where stress can last for a long period of time, sometimes many years. Stress in any form can build over time if not managed properly, causing health effects which have been linked to depression, anxiety, headaches, allergies, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, heart attacks, stroke, hypertension, immune system disturbances, viral disorders, cancer, autoimmune diseases, skin conditions, gastrointestinal problems, insomnia, degenerative neurological disorders, and more. In fact, it’s hard to think of any disease in which stress cannot play an aggravating role or any part of the body that is not affected.


BioScan SRT rebalances and harmonizes your body.


In an overabundance of caution, the BioScan SRT will not be used on pregnant women or on any person with any electrical device implanted in the body.


CALL 936-224-4948