Holistic Beauty

Quality Aging & Graceful Longevity

BioRevive Facial

Facial detoxification with sophisticated bioenergetic therapy to detox and revitalize your skin

At Woodlands Natural Health we merge medical Bioresonance technology with the principles of holistic skincare to unlock your beauty potential. Our detox and regeneration facial not only repairs and revitalizes your skin, but also establishes a profound connection between your facial complexion and the vital organs responsible for your overall well-being. Experience the transformative effects of our advanced facial treatment, where beauty is redefined from within. 

The skin reflects the state of your overall health, with the condition of your organs playing a crucial role.

At Woodlands Natural Health we understand this intricate connection and how it impacts your skin’s radiance. That’s why our detox and regeneration facial takes a holistic approach to skincare. Our innovative technology establishes a profound bond between your face and organs, promoting harmony and wellness from within.

This technology optimizes cellular communication and enhances the connection between your facial complexion and internal organs. With personalized protocol, we address the root causes of organ imbalances and activate your body’s regenerative processes. Revitalizing organs such as the liver, kidneys, and digestive system helps eliminate toxins, reduce inflammation, and nourish the skin from the inside out. The result? Enhanced detoxification, improved organ functionality, and a radiant complexion that reflects the harmony and vitality of your internal systems.

Cold Plasma

Unlocking the Power of Beautiful Skin!

At Woodlands Natural Health, we believe in harnessing the potential of cutting-edge technology to transform your skin. Our revolutionary Cold Plasma treatment offers a multitude of benefits, helping you achieve a radiant and youthful complexion. Let’s dive into how Cold Plasma works and the incredible benefits it brings to your skin.

How Does Cold Plasma Work?

Cold Plasma is a non-invasive skincare treatment that utilizes cold atmospheric plasma technology. This technology generates a unique form of ionized gas that is rich in reactive oxygen species (ROS) and other beneficial molecules. When applied to the skin, the cold plasma interacts with the skin’s surface, delivering a range of powerful effects.

The Benefits of Cold Plasma:

1. Skin Rejuvenation: Cold Plasma stimulates collagen production, promoting skin elasticity and firmness. It helps reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin, resulting in a more youthful and rejuvenated complexion.


2. Improved Skin Texture: By encouraging cell turnover, Cold Plasma helps to refine skin texture, making it smoother and more even. It minimizes the appearance of pores, acne scars, and other skin imperfections, giving you a flawless canvas.


3. Enhanced Skin Tone: Cold Plasma works to even out skin tone and diminish the appearance of hyperpigmentation, age spots, and sun damage. It brightens the complexion, leaving your skin looking radiant and glowing.


4. Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Cold Plasma has anti-inflammatory effects, helping to calm redness, irritation, and inflammation. It can be beneficial for those with sensitive or acne-prone skin, soothing and balancing the skin’s natural barrier.


 5. Antimicrobial Action: The reactive oxygen species in Cold Plasma have antimicrobial properties, helping to combat bacteria on the skin’s surface. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals struggling with acne or other skin conditions caused by microbial imbalances.


Experience the Power of Cold Plasma:

Unlock the potential of beautiful skin with Cold Plasma. Our skilled professionals are dedicated to providing you with a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and goals. Book your consultation today and embark on a journey towards radiant, youthful, and healthy-looking skin.


Your Solution for Stubborn Cellulite!

At Woodlands Natural Health we understand the frustration of dealing with stubborn cellulite. That’s why we have developed a unique holistic approach that combines three powerful therapies to help you achieve the smooth, firm skin you desire. The combination of our Matrix Regeneration and Detoxification, Red Light Therapy, and Shockwave Therapy is designed to target cellulite from multiple angles, providing you with the best possible results.

Matrix Detoxification

Our Wegamed Matrix and Detoxification therapy is a cutting-edge therapy that focuses on detoxifying your body and improving your overall health. By using these advanced technologies, we can identify and address any imbalances or blockages in your body’s energy system. This therapy helps to improve circulation, reduce fluid retention, and enhance the body’s natural detoxification processes. By promoting optimal cellular function, we pave the way for more effective cellulite reduction.

 Red Light Therapy:

Red Light Therapy is a non-invasive treatment that utilizes specific wavelengths of light to penetrate deep into the skin. This therapy stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which are essential for maintaining the skin’s elasticity and firmness. By increasing collagen production, Red Light Therapy helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite, smooth out dimpled skin, and improve overall skin tone and texture.

 Shockwave Therapy:

Our Shockwave Therapy is a highly effective treatment that uses acoustic pressurized waves to break down cellulite and stimulate collagen production. This therapy targets the underlying connective tissues responsible for cellulite formation, promoting their regeneration and tightening. By improving blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, Shockwave Therapy helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite, enhance skin firmness, and improve overall skin quality.

Proven Results: Our combination of Wegamed Matrix and Detoxification, Red Light Therapy, and Shockwave Therapy has been proven to deliver noticeable and long-lasting results. Many of our clients have experienced significant improvements in the appearance of their cellulite, leading to increased confidence and satisfaction.

Don’t let stubborn cellulite hold you back any longer. Take the first step towards smoother, firmer skin by booking your consultation for Cellushock today. Our team of experts is ready to guide you on your journey to cellulite-free living!