Detox FAQ

Do I need to feel terrible to know that the detoxification is working?

No. While some people do feel mild discomfort while detoxing, we have ways of helping to reduce the discomforts if they appear. We also take a gentle approach to lessen the chance of feeling ill while detoxing.

I don’t like needles!

No problem. We do not use needles. We take multiple, safe and effective approaches to your detox program. Our program is thoroughly explained during your consultation.

I’m breastfeeding or pregnant – is this detox safe for me and my child? Can children detox?

Cleansing and detoxification are not recommended while breastfeeding, if pregnant, or for children. It is not recommended while pregnant because it may temporarily release toxins into the bloodstream, which can then make their way to the fetus. If breastfeeding, toxins can make their way into the milk.

I take prescription medications. Can I still detox?

Detoxing can affect the way your medications work. You need to consult with your doctor before beginning any detox program.